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Sri Lanka Embassy Conducts Mobile Consular, Employment and Welfare Service and “Diriya Maga” Awareness and Counseling Programme in Mokpo

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  • Writer운영자
  • Date18-09-17 13:18
  • Hit7,150

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The Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Republic of Korea successfully conducted its 8th Mobile Consular and Employment Welfare Services for 2018, and a “Diriya Maga” Awareness and Counseling Programme on 16 September 2018 at the Korea Polytec Education Center in Mokpo.


The Mobile Service provided Consular, Employment and Welfare related services to around 53 Sri Lankans in the Mokpo region. 


Through the “Diriya Maga” Awareness and Counseling Programme, advisory and information services were provided to Sri Lankan employees in and around Mokpo area with regard to good personal conduct and etiquette, financial management, and development of business and entrepreneurial skills.
